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What I DNF'd in 2022

Writer: Basil ScheuringBasil Scheuring

I could not STAND listening to this book. I only made it an hour and half into the audio and I had to stop. The fact that was she obsessed with the Smurfs was also a huge red flag to me. I was super scared of the cartoon when I was a kid, so any person that collects creepy little creatures like that (or trolls *shudders*) is an automatic NOPE!

My boss gave this to me because he received it from a friend. You know this book is a pass when the first 20 pages are all about oversexualizing an underage girl. I know it's supposed to take place in Ancient Egypt and times were different, but oversexualizing a young girl is an automatic pass for me.

Loathe the cheating trope. In the book it mentioned how the two main characters had been hooking up A LOT during the last 3 OTHER BOOKS WIH NO MENTION IN THOSE BOOKS THAT THE CHARACTERS WERE EVEN INTERESTED IN EACH OTHER. Also, the author is icky, even though she was my introduction to the romance genre with Vicious.

I DNF'd this book because it takes place in my home state, Iowa, and you could tell the author either 1) had never visited Iowa, and 2) only visited once and decided to base an entire novel on a weird visit to a state nobody in the USA even knows exists.

Unfortunately, the author was #2, she took a trip to Iowa once and decided to base this upcoming series on a detective in a shitty part of Iowa (biased a little about the town it takes place in).

In 2023 I am going to give this book another try. The story sounded good and I'm willing to give i another go since it is so rare to find books based in Iowa.

Honestly I only DNF'd this book because I was in a reading slump and it wasn't capturing my interest. I think I only made it 20 pages in? Can't even remember.

I got this as an eARC on NetGalley and I couldn't get into it. To me, the main character was boring and I was having a hard time seeing the point of the book.

The trope for this book was lying to each other and having the whole book be a huge misunderstanding. The book would have been 200 pages less if they communicated like adults. Not my thing. But I did love the author's book Meet Between The Margins.

The writing was horrible.

The only reason I downloaded it was because he guy was supposed to have a huge dick with a Jacob's Ladder, and at the time I had never read a book about the main love interest having one of those.

If you want to read a good book about the main love interest having a Jacob's Ladder, read Flip by Briana Michaels.

Whoever at Book of the Month decided this book was a good idea to have as an option needs to be fired. This book was awful.

I started listening to this book on a 5 hour drive to the other side of Iowa for a baby shower and I couldn't get over how stupid the female character was. I never even got the sex scenes that are supposedly sooo good.

This was a book club book for my local library and I just couldn't get into it. It's not the genre I'm hyperfocused on at the moment. In another year I would have finished this book.

I was looking forward to reading this book that I stopped reading several 5 star books to start it. But it was a massive disappointment.

One oft he main reasons I wanted to read it is due to the fact that I don't have a sense of smell (not COVID related) and I just don't understand people's obsessions with smells.

The story was boring at it's best.

Got bored listening to it.



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